December 2024- Pride ASIA partners with the (FCS) Filipino Community of Seattle's anti-Gender Based violence referral collaboration and partnership.
The goal of the project is to reduce and eliminate factors that contribute to domestic and sexual violence, and human trafficking against the LGBTQIA+ community by reaching out, engaging, educating , provide training and mobilizing the LGBTQ community in participating in a multi-year community-led effort that prevents gender-based violence.
Pride ASIA founding member, Arnaldo Inocentes is Lead Project Manager at FCS to work with the Pride ASIA and staff, and will provide guidance and administrative support.
Phase 1: During this phase, project staff begins training and on-boarding; key stakeholders are identified to be part of developing outreach and mobilization strategies. Phase 1 - Pride ASIA will determine the needs of their team in order to organize and coordinate their community-based activities.
Phase 2: Implementation Plan focuses on identifying, recruiting, educating, and training on prevention of Gender Based Violence, human trafficking, domestic violence of community members
Phase 3: Quarterly workshops with invited experts on GBV topics to be held at the Filipino Community Center. Four (4) workshop sessions with topics related to Gender Based Violence will be scheduled per year. All organizations involved in this program are required to attend and this will be followed by a fellowship session with all participants.
Phase 4: FCS, Pride ASIA, and Khmer Community will submit monthly report to Lead Project Manager by the end of the month. Each organization will fill out the monthly performance commitment form designed by VSHSL (Veterans, Senior & Human Services Levy) at King County. It will include the number of individuals you have recruited and demographics. These data will be included in the overall monthly report prepared and submitted to King County by FCS Program Coordinator.
Phase 5: At the end of the year, all recruited individuals for this program model will try to address a community-based solution to gender-based violence.
Additionally, Pride ASIA founder and executive, Aleksa Manila in her role as a licensed social worker will serve as subject matter expert and trainer, and Pride ASIA member, Atasha Alfajora will serve as Peer Lead Facilitator. Pride ASIA is in the midst of creating regular monthly peer social support groups, and info-sessions. Please stay tuned for details.
Pride ASIA is held annually to create a safe space for Queer Asian Pacific Islander Americans to celebrate PRIDE.
Rice Ball is an annual fundraiser to help organize Pride ASIA annually with your support.