This unique narrative incorporating documentary elements follows Rey, a 40-year-old non-binary teacher and typhoon survivor, on a roadtrip to fame. With surreal comedy and social portrait realism, filmmaker Seán‌ Devlin explores climate change, LGBTQ+ issues, and the impact of colonialism on contemporary Philippines.

Year: 2023
Runtime: 101 minutes
Language: Tagalog
Country: Canada, Philippines

Director: Seán Devlin
Screenwriter: Arnel Pablo, Seán Devlin, Rey Jaya Aclao
Producer: Seán Devlin, Amanda Ernst
Executive Producer: Matthew Krysko, Adam McKay, Alan Cumming, Cecilia Mejia, Joel Kim Booster
Co-Producer: Shane Supernova
Cast: Rey Jaya Aclao, Amelia De La Cruz, Ricky Gacho Jr.